Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No love for Sophie and a proposal.

You fail me again fake audience. FAIL!

No cookies for you!

So anywho, I've been dying to film something, but because I need gratification for everything I do I am unmotivated to film anything as I know that:
a: No one will comment
b: Hardly anyone will watch
c: I know I'm boring.
d: Someone will watch it with me in the same room which leads me to being embarressed and I'll eventually take that video down.

But since I'm far away from my friends and all now I feel that it's important that I keep this all up, so then you guys don't forget I exist and know what's going on in my life.

So I purpose that a few of you get on this vlog-wagon with me ala fiveawesomegirls. So then I'm filled in on what's going on with you guys too. (*COUGH COUGH* Natalie) So what do you say?

Please respond, I'm lonely.



  1. My dearest best friend sophie. I get paid this Friday. My first purchase will be a camera or webcam of sorts. I promise.

    ps. I like your videos

  2. Oh ok so you want us to film vlogs too??? I could do that, awesome. I've been kinda slacking on my own blogs so in turn it made me slack on reading/watching yours, so sorry bout that.

    But yeah, I'm up for this cause I miss you and

  3. ah! it cut off the rest of my post lol

    as I was saying, "I miss you and it would be like having cool conversations where we can't interrupt each other lol"
