Dear freshmen,
Congratulations, you made it out of high school. Now your off to college, some of you will still be living with your parents, but for the majority it'll be your first time off on your own. That majority is probably freaking out, anxious, exited, and nauseous all at once.
Right now all your doing is counting down the days until you move out. You've been going to party after party trying to say your goodbyes to everyone you love and think you wont see again. Your doing this because you think once school starts, everything changes. This is where your wrong.
Nothing's changing, your friends will stay the same, you will stay the same, and life will continue on in the same old fashion. Sure you'll be experiencing new things and meeting new people, but at the very core you are still the same person.
Now calm down with the dramatic facebook posts, your hogging up my wall space.
P.S. I really hope you know how to do laundry. Also, don't try to save money by doing all your wash in one load, in fades out your colors.
I lol'd. They're cloggin' up my newsfeed too!