I started the day off feeling very sick and woozy. I literally almost fainted in mass today. So when my Tia Ana and myself got back from Mass she had be eat some bean juice. Then I thought 'hey my stomach is swollen. Chile helps with inflammation, let me add some to this.' And so I did I was successful in eating my bean juice. After I had a Chai banana smoothie which didn't go down as easily.
I got some energy from that so then we went off and ran some arrands. When we got back I again had some Bean Juice and chile. Then my aunt and uncle brought over some Frozen Yogurt so I thought I'd give it a shot. Went down, no problem. Then I started thinking 'Hey we have leftover ravioli let me try some of that'
I just finished that ravioli no problem. Take that Lap-Band.
P.S. Yes I had the lap-band surgery, I have mentioned it in other places. I know your probably thinking to yourself, That I took the easy way out. Let me just say that there is nothing easy about this so STFU. It's a lifestyle change, it's not about any of that superficial stuff.