Thursday, August 11, 2011

So today I was on deviant art to get my weekly HP fanart fix. It's already been a month since I've seen Deathly Hallows part 2 but little by little I'm starting to feel the effects of that. I'll be honest and tell you that I wasn't an avid reader from the very beginning. I didn't start reading the books until right before Goblet of Fire came out in theaters. I've never read Prizoner of Azkaban (i'll get to that), even though all my favorite characters were introduced in that book.

Well, I was on deviant art and came across Viria13's James and Lily gallery and it just brought me to tears. Though they were only briefly mentioned throughout the series here and there, their love was a huge part of the entire series. Both their love for each other and their love son. Though they were both absent from the very beginning, they just had a huge impact on everything. From the obvious of being Harry's parents, to the more complex story line of Snape's love for Lily that ultimately made him the hero (he totally was). Then how their loss affected their friends. Remus, Sirius and Peter.

Sirius had been accused of giving away their location to the dark lord. Peter was really the traitor, but he was a coward and ran from his problems, making people believe that Sirius had killed him. That left Poor Remus to be alone. All 4 of his best friends were gone from his life and was left to believe that Sirius had been the reason. That's some sad shiz.

I'd continue this (whatever it is) but I'm too tired and sad to write anything else.


(Eet by Regina Spektor)

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