Saturday, August 6, 2011

I won't apologize for the long absence as this is becoming redundant.

Hello, reader. You may remember me as the author of this here blog. It would appear that my last post was in March (I think. I'm not gonna check.) I am currently listening to Stormy Weather by Etta James. This is not why I am writing this post. I just thought that it was worth noting. Right now I am sitting in the living room of my new home. Which is located in Edgewater (Mayo), Maryland.

You may be asking yourself 'When on earth did this happen?' or 'Sophie, didn't you just move back from the outer dc area back, in October of last year, after only living there for 4 months?'. Well, this happened on the 19th of last month. (It is also worth noting that the song just changed to New Soul by Yael Naim.) I only found out I was moving back to the east a measly week and one day before this move took place. (Now, it's Smile by Lily Allen) And yes, I did just move back to California in October.

So, Why the move? Well, I don't want to go into details.. But let's just say I'm in trouble. Not with the law. And yes my grades are good. I won't say more. (I Was Made For You by She&Him)

Now I find myself 20-some miles outside of DC on the opposite side of where I was living prior. It's alright. We have access to the Cheaspeake Bay, or what I believe to be the Cheaspeake bay,  from the backyard. And It all looks very Postcard-y. The one downside is the nearest Bus Stop is five miles down the road. This is a problem as I don't drive. (Blue Ridge Mountains By Fleet Foxes) Because of this, tomorrow morning my mother is taking me to MVA (DMV) to get my learner's permit. Yes, I am 20 and barely getting my learner's permit. If you went to camp with me your probably thinking 'I thought you said your drive.' The truth is I did. But I was lying.

(Train Leaving Gray By Mason Jennings (IDK it's on my She& Him Pandora station))

I am a liar. A big fat liar. I've always been and am just starting to admit. Just this pass spring I revealed this to my very best friend. Of course I was kind of drunk at the time, but I never said my shit don't stink. It's all truth spilling from these lips (fingers in the blogspehere) (ya, I just said that.)  (Maybe I'm Amazed By Paul Mccartney..I always thought it was baby, I'm amazed). Okay, maybe I'll tell a little white lie here and there, but I promise not to lie about the big things. I swear.

(Oh Boy covered by She&Him)

The next topic I'd like to cover is my desire to create a Collaboration channel on Youtube. Alongside 3 of my very good friends Natalie, Niki and Desi. (Awww yeahh.. The Joker by Steve Miller Band) I'd like to find one last person for this project so we have one person doing a video for every weekday. This is very much inspired by fiveawesomegirls and the vlogbrothers. It will also be a way to keep in touch with my friends back home. I don't necessarily know where I want to go with this. I just think it's a cool concept and if no one watches it wont matter to me. I just know these ladies will see it and that's all that matters. <---See no fame seeking here.

I'd like this project to be off the ground by this Monday but it might be pushed back another week, who knows? I have yet to come up with a name for it. If you have any ideas, a comment would be much appreciated.

(Heart it Races by Dr. Dog, not to be confused with Dr. Dre and Snoop)

Well, it is very late here and I should probably sleep if I want to pass that exam. This may very well be the longest blog post I've ever written. I think the Pandora, excessive amounts of Pepsi and this music video had a lot to do with it. Goodnight.

(40 Day Dream by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros)


P.S. My hair looks completely different from that little cartoon of me. Just thought I'd put it in there.

1 comment:

  1. Either way that McCartney song is weak. Maybe or Baby, which ever word it is doesn't matter because the next line is atrocious.
