Tuesday, March 1, 2011

For the 2 months I failed to blog.

Hi there. Yup, I did it again. But I'm owning up to it. So i fell off the wagon right away, but really people who has the time? I've got a bigillion other things to do, like school, and riding the bus for hours at a time. And watching Being Human on Syfy. Seriously, busy.

Now I have the gruesome task of having to fill you in on the past two months. Well, not so gruesome since I don't necessarily need to keep blogging (I do have a choice when it comes to these matters you know). I left off with telling you I was packing. Well, I was packing to move (yet again), but this time to my dad's house in Fountain Valley. I've been here since 2 days after my last post...so um about 8 weeks. And it's working out pretty well.

I also started school, which by the way is awesome. You have no idea how much I missed school, it's ridiculous. I never recommend taking a semester off, ever. I mean i you need a break or something, just plan your mental breakdowns around a long weekend and you should be fine.
But anyways, I'm taking Math, Pilates and Stage Makeup. Math is alright, same old same old, that whole deal. Pilates, OMG I feel like I'm doing nothing but laying down and just moving a little in that class, but I swear somehow it kicks my ass and I feel super sore the next day. Now, Stage Makeup, that is for another blog another day. Let's just say I love it.

I think that's all that really happened.

P.S. Almost forgot to mention that I got a haircut. It's short.
P.S.S. And I'm stalking a CSZ High School Ref now, here's his website. He's the one with the glasses.

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